
How to Write B2B Emails That Convert

There’s nothing more frustrating than pouring countless hours and dollars into your email marketing and getting nothing in return. Studies show that email generates $44 for every $1 you spend, so why isn’t this the case for you?

The answer to writing B2B emails that convert isn’t action – it’s strategy. So if you’re not setting goals for campaigns and tweaking your approach as you A/B test your emails, you’ll never get the chartbusting ROI that email marketing promises.

Here’s everything you need to know about writing emails that not only get opened, but also convert.

What Do Conversions Look Like?

Email conversions aren’t just purchases – they’re any action you want your recipient to take. Many marketers get so caught up in the revenue aspect that they fail to utilize email for other purposes.

But if you expand your definition of conversion to include other actions like scheduling a meeting or reading a blog on your website, you’ll have a better grasp on your engagement levels and overall campaign effectiveness.

What Makes a B2B Email Effective?

Creating B2B emails that convert is an art, given that there’s no single definition or formula that guarantees success. But it’s also a science, since you can see recurring elements that make some emails more effective than others.


High-converting emails are clearly defined by a single goal or objective. They don’t overwhelm the recipient with extraneous details or multiple calls-to-action. A request for a meeting or invitation to a webinar creates a clearly-defined action that lets the recipient know exactly what you want them to do.


Emails should build trust between the sender and the recipient, especially if you have no existing relationship with your prospects. Many businesses use professional email platforms rather than personal email addresses that could end up in spam folders. An email verification tool can also help you avoid ending up in junk mail when sending mass messages.


Strong branding can help build the recipient’s confidence in your message and company as a whole. You want them to know with no uncertainty where the email came from. Even if they don’t take action, they’ve gained an impression of your brand. With enough emails, they’ll become more familiar with your company and what you can offer them.


In the past, all you needed to personalize an email was a name; but in 2019, that’s not enough.

Studies show the effects of personalization on email marketing, particularly the campaigns that make product recommendations based on a user’s activity. Personalized messages see a 14% boost in clicks and a 10% jump in conversions.

Types of B2B Emails That Spur Conversions

The biggest goal of email marketing is engagement. Here are a few common examples of high-converting campaigns:


Welcome new users that just signed up for your email newsletter, product, or service. Capitalize on their interest to help them explore your company and brand, and set expectations moving forward.

Invitation to Connect

Take a page from LinkedIn’s playbook by sending emails to grow your network. Ask prospects to get involved with you on social media and show them why they’ll want to.

Special Offer

If you’re having a free trial or special pricing on your products or services, let your recipients know about it. The key is to make this offer stand out from other offers. Let them know what makes the offer so valuable and why you chose them to receive it.

Curated Content

People sign up to receive emails from you because of the value they expect you to deliver. It’s not always easy to come up with your own content that people will want to read, so consider curating content from other sources that speaks to their needs.

Best Practices for Writing and Sending High-Converting Emails

What you say, when you say it, and where you say it creates the ultimate email copy trifecta that will either kill your conversions or send them soaring. Put these best practices for writing high-converting copy into motion:

Prioritize the Subject Line and Display Text

Most people treat the subject line as an afterthought, but it’s the first thing your reader sees. A strong subject line can be the difference between an opened email and a deleted one.

Also, take care when writing your display text. This section acts as a teaser for what’s inside, so front-load the good stuff to increase your open rate.

Integrate With Your CRM

Your CRM is rich in customer data that can help you personalize your emails and increase conversions. For example, if your customer has bought a certain product in the past and it goes on sale, you can send them an email telling them to stock up.

A CRM can also track email activity so you can strengthen future efforts.

Add Value to Each Message

Every email should answer the question, “What’s in it for me?” For example, are you offering the recipient a special discount or coupon? Are you sharing a blog post that will help them solve a problem?

Your primary goal for every email should be to gain trust. From there, you can build a mutually-beneficial relationship with your audience where sales become a natural by-product.

Keep It Short

Businesspeople are busy and don’t have time to read every email that comes through the inbox. Compared to the 88 emails a consumer gets each day, most business accounts will get about 121 emails per day. Keep the copy concise and make it easy for them to take action.

Empower Your B2B Email Marketing Strategy

Improving your email conversions doesn’t happen by accident. It takes a focused, dedicated strategy that helps you connect your actions to the end result.

If what you’re currently doing isn’t working, it’s never too late (or too early) to change it. Continue to test and refine your strategy until you discover how to not only connect with your audience, but also make them want to connect with you, too.

About the Contributor

Sujan Patel is a partner at Ramp Ventures and has over 14 years of marketing experience. He has led the digital marketing strategy for companies like Salesforce, Mint, Intuit and many other Fortune 500 caliber companies.

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