
Benefit From CRM Automation Without Losing The Human Touch


CRM automation is exploding as a way for businesses to foster better relationships and fuel growth more efficiently. In fact Gartner predicts that by 2020, 85% of customers will manage their relationships without talking to a human. With the growth of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, that prediction may not be too far off. But for many businesses who hear the words “CRM automation,” the first thought that comes to mind is a lack of a personal touch.

Fortunately, it’s completely the opposite. In this era of hyper-personalization, a CRM is instrumental in gathering rich data and triggering personalized automations to your prospects and customers.

But in today’s world, CRM automation alone can’t propel the “Human Side” of doing business with your customers. The intrinsic value in automating your CRM comes from the unique insights your CRM delivers–enabling you to provide a one-to-one experience with your audience.

Here are 3 ways CRM automation can strengthen relationships without losing that human touch.

Filling in Knowledge Gaps

CRM is invaluable when it comes to collecting data. In many ways, that’s the easy part. But the human element comes in when you begin mapping holes in your knowledge of your customers and your business. Factors such as who your best customers are, what stages of the sales process your prospects are in, and what products/services buyers are interested in are just a few of the insights a CRM can provide you.

The key is to use that data to propel new sales and customer relationships forward. For instance:

By filling in the holes in your customer lifecycle, you have the opportunity to engage in more personalized conversations that truly move the relationship down the path to sales success.

Talking to an Audience of One

Marketing today has changed, and personalization is king. No longer does a one size fits all message work with today’s digital consumer. In fact nearly 75% of online consumers get frustrated with websites when offers, emails and ads are not personalized to their interests.

With the power of CRM automation, businesses can automatically segment and communicate with each and every person based on their unique needs. So instead of mass emailing every contact the same newsletter like a robot, your business can send targeted specific emails and offers–whether they’re a visitor just checking out your website or a lifelong customer who is ready for an upsell.

Planning For Tomorrow, Today

One of the best ways CRM automation drives the human experience is through analytics and reporting. As your CRM continues to capture valuable user data, customer data, and industry data, your business can monitor and measure what is working and what isn’t.

For instance, lead source reports can be automatically generated to give you insights into which marketing channels are driving the most customers and where you should invest future resources. Sales intel can be automatically pulled from within your CRM to help you make critical business decisions and prepare more accurate forecasts for your business.

A CRM is also useful for analyzing customer trends and buying patterns when figuring out what the next “big solution” should be for your target market. When your business leverages CRM automation to intimately understand who its ideal customers are and what products or services they desire, you will be in a much better position to attract and keep the right customers as well as ensure growth for your business in the future.

By using CRM automation to tailor marketing communications, fill in knowledge gaps, and enhance your future planning, you will be in a better position to tap into the human side of business.

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