
7 Habits of Uber Productive People

There are 24 hours in a day for all of us. But why does it seem like some people are able to do a lot more with those hours than the rest of us?

According to Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace report, 85% of employees spend their days either not engaged or actively disengaged when they’re at the office. And for the most part, it’s not because of a lack of interest or work ethic. Instead, many people just haven’t learned the skills to help overcome the hurdles that prevent them from achieving all they set out to do. Try as we might, we’re not always great at being our most productive.

Productivity isn’t an innate ability. It takes conscious effort and the adoption of certain habits that directly and indirectly result in enabling you to better tackle your to-do list. Here are seven of those habits that uber-productive people have been putting to work to get work done. 

1. They Get Up Early

It’s basic math: the earlier you get out of bed, the more hours you have in the day to get stuff done. This doesn’t mean that you have to wake up at five a.m. and head right to your computer, either. The extra hours that you gain from being an early riser can be applied in a wide variety of ways, including toward the other, less work-focused tasks that so often cut into your productivity time — think exercise, emails, meal prepping, and so on.

Getting up early can give you the time you need for yourself, too. Instead of trying to cut into a jam-packed day, you can use the early morning to take a moment and focus on anything you need for yourself. It’s these moments that will rejuvenate you and combat any feelings of burnout

2. They Segment Their Tasks

Not everything on your to-do list needs to be done today or even this week. Segmenting your tasks — by day, week, and even month — helps you rank and prioritize what needs to get done, thereby showing you where your focus needs to go and when. It’s a lot more efficient than looking at a long list of tasks and starting wherever, and it means that when you are at your most productive, it’s driven toward actions that matter the most at that time.

As for how you segment and track your to-do list in the first place, there’s an app for that. Omnifocus, Microsoft To Do (formerly Wunderlist), and Todoist are all great places to start.

3. They Utilize Block Scheduling

Certain things (ahem: emails) interrupt the flow of our day and make it harder to stay on track. What super-productive people do well is that they set aside certain chunks of time for those things and dedicate the rest of their time toward more critical tasks and projects.

If something is incredibly important, there are other ways that people can get in touch with you besides email.  So instead of constantly interrupting your day by checking your inbox, set aside thirty minutes in the morning and thirty minutes in the afternoon to tackle it, and leave the rest of your time for more useful endeavors.

4. They Delegate Where Necessary

Asking for help is okay! You don’t want to go overboard with handing off your work to other people, but it’s perfectly fine — and even recommended — that you learn to ask for what you need in pursuit of efficiency, even if that means occasionally passing off tasks to others who have more time or may be able to help you in some other way.

Delegation is also another way of telling your employees how much you trust them and rely on them. If your company is filled with true teammates, asking for help, as well as offering help, shouldn’t be hard to come by. 

5. They Exercise

Overall, exercise helps you feel better and more energetic, which makes you more capable of tackling your daily tasks. The proof isn’t just anecdotal, either. The American Council on Exercise notes that exercise triggers a protein called BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), which boosts cognitive abilities. Whether it’s a walk, a gym break, or a lunchtime yoga class, take time to get moving and focus on your health, and you’ll get more of what you need to make the most of your day.

6. They Take Breaks

Keeping your head down and working all day doesn’t necessarily equate to more productivity. Ask the most productive person and he or she will tell you that taking a break and recharging when needed is absolutely crucial. A coffee break or a friendly chat doesn’t mean you’re not focusing on what you need to get done or putting anything off necessarily. These small breaks can be essential in breaking up your day, so you have the energy to continue getting things done. Learn to work short breaks into your day, especially when you start to feel burnout.

7. They Practice Mindfulness

Being in the moment helps you put your day into perspective, which helps with task segmentation and being in the right headspace for productivity. Find something that allows you to reset into the moment, such as an app (like Calm), self-guided meditation, or a short walk. All of these tools will help you be more mindful — and more effective at getting stuff done.

Productivity is a mindset as much as it’s a collection of active behaviors. Start working on the habits above, and you’ll notice that your days get easier, more efficient, and likely, a whole lot more enjoyable. 

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