
How To Make Sure Your Content Stays Compelling


Once you reach a certain level of success with your content strategy, it’s easy for your views to start to plateau. Increasing views and regaining momentum requires the use of specific strategies to keep your content fresh and compelling. So before your content starts to fall flat, use these six tips to fuel your strategy.

Listen To Your Readers

There are several web analytics tools out there that let you know how long your readers spend on your blog posts and which websites they bounce to directly after yours. These tools can be super useful for understanding what kind of content to post. But, figuring out what your readers want more of is often as simple as listening to them. Your readers will tell you in the comments and on social media what material they’d like more of and what elements of previous articles they enjoyed the most. Use this feedback as the foundation for brainstorming ideas with your editorial team.

Question The Purpose of an Article

Before you task a writer with covering a certain topic or assign an article idea to a freelancer, ask yourself why you want to publish this piece. Or more specifically, why your brand should publish this piece. What problem is this blog post solving? Does it serve a purpose? Is it enlightening or informative? Does it start an important conversation? If you know why you’d want to read it – and why others would like to read it – then you’re looking at a compelling piece of content.

Include Personal Anecdotes

Share a funny story or an embarrassing moment with readers so they can build an emotional connection to the topic. A blog post about stress management is more relatable if the writer includes a story about the time they lost it on a colleague and how they made amends. It differentiates the article from others that simply recycle the same old tips.

Do Audits of Your Most Popular Material

Where is your blog getting the most love? Do you have an article from 2014 called “Top Image Editing Tools for Entrepreneurs With Zero Photography Experience” that still gets views every week? Consider revamping the article with a 2018 version that swaps out the suggestions that are no longer that useful. Similarly, look at previously popular content in order to create follow-up articles that build off those original hit ideas.

Include Original Photography, Videos, and Infographics

Remember that content isn’t limited to text. Consider re-publishing the same information from a popular blog post as an infographic. If you have room in your budget, incorporate videos into your content strategy to add an audio-visual component to your marketing. Even if you only have the resources for mostly blog writing and a little bit of imagery, try publishing written content in multiple forms like downloadable checklists, templates, or ebooks.

Put Thought and Care Into Your Titles

Once you’re done writing your article, don’t just plop it on your website with the same working title you were using as a placeholder. Your title determines whether someone will take the time to click on your blog or move on with their online browsing. Take a look at how newspapers format their titles. They’re written with just enough information to make you care, but just enough missing that you have to keep reading to find out more. Make a study of the news publishing industry to learn how to make your titles more compelling.

Your content strategy requires maintenance to ensure it doesn’t grow dull. Keep these tips in mind while building your monthly calendar and sending out assignments to ensure your content remains as compelling as possible.

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