
The 3 R’s of “Go Green” Marketing



As you may know, April 22 was Earth Day. A day growing in popularity, Earth Day aims to inspire awareness and appreciation of the planet. While committing yourself or your small business to helping the environment, transition your marketing into the same “Go Green” mentality.

The 3 R’s of “Go Green Marketing”


Did you know that direct mail accounts for more than 2% of landfill waste? Besides that direct mail is costly and offers a very low response rate, it’s also contributing to the waste that fills our environment. The first place you should consider going green in your marketing efforts is by switching to email. According to PR Daily, email marketing will maintain a consistent 10% growth over the next five years which is great news for a small business! Email is cost efficient, track-able, and received almost instantly. If your small business has not made the switch to email marketing over direct mail, what better time than now?


In the same way natural resources are scarce, so are small business dollars, resources, and budgets. A great way to cut down time and spending in your small business is to reuse and re-purpose content on multiple platforms. Wrote a great blog article recently? Why not reuse it in your monthly newsletter, on your small business Facebook page, or turn it into a compelling e-book that you can offer in exchange for a prospects information on your website? There are many ways you can reuse content that will stretch marketing dollars and keep great content from going to waste!


Just as you can reuse content on various marketing platforms, you can also re-purpose old content, update it, and position it from a different perspective. Perhaps you have really lengthy articles or videos that you can clean up and shorten to present in a new fashion. Your small business is ever-changing and adapting new ways to do things. If you have a lot of great content available at your finger tips, don’t be afraid to present it to your audience in a new way. Recycling and refreshing content is a great way to reinforce ideas in new ways!

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