personal brand Archives - BenchmarkONE

Why You Shouldn’t Wait to Start Developing Your Brand

Procrastination is a natural human tendency, but in the competitive world of small business, it can prove devastating. The waiting game is particularly damaging when it comes to brand development, for, the longer you go without clarifying your brand and targeting the right audience, the more time and money you waste on ineffective marketing campaigns. From fear to indecision, your reasons for stalling may vary, but no matter you excuse, your failure to define and develop your brand is causing your business irreparable harm. The following are a few of the most common excuses for stalling on brand development — and why those excuses are invalid.

There’s Not Enough Time

Small business owners never have enough time, and while it’s true that life as an entrepreneur is crazy busy, some things — including brand development — need to be prioritized. Ultimately, the upfront time commitment you place in creating your brand will pay off, as it will ensure that you do not waste precious time on pursuits that do not support your long-term goals.

You’re Lacking Financial Resources

When it feels like your new business can fold at any time, the last thing you feel like doing is focusing on big picture issues such as developing your brand. However, a clear vision can ultimately make it far easier to secure the resources you require. Investors have absolutely no interest in supporting entrepreneurs who lack direction. They’ll be far more likely to give your pitch the consideration it deserves if you present a polished, confident image. A focused brand allows you to immediately demonstrate what you’ve accomplished thus far, and where you’re going.

You’re Still Working on Team Building

Instead of gathering an unorganized team of employees and then trying to pigeonhole them into a suddenly defined mission, your vision needs to be clear from the beginning. This will ensure that those who join your team are truly on board. A loosely-defined brand will attract similarly-minded individuals who lack passion and are simply working for the paycheck. Is that the type of person you want on your team?

It’ll Shutting Out Consumers

Many entrepreneurs hesitate to focus on a target market because they fear excluding other prospective customers. This is a viable concern, but if you fail to identify a target audience and tailor your message to fit that audience, your brand will not strongly appeal to anybody. Focus your vision and watch as your customer base grows, both in size and loyalty.

The longer you wait to define your brand, the more opportunities will pass you by. From potential investors to employees, the best and the brightest want to be associated with easily-identifiable brands created by entrepreneurs who are clearly passionate about their respective industries.

How Building a Personal Brand Converts

Personal branding is a hot topic in today’s marketing landscape, but few business owners truly understand what it means or how it can promote better conversions. With personal branding, you position yourself as a brand alongside your company.  Your employees also have a personal brand of their own.

Your personal brand is how you present yourself in the office, online, and even in your personal life.  An improved understanding of this concept and how it applies to your own professional trajectory could spell the difference between new opportunities and a stale career.

Stand Out From The Crowd

Whether your goal is to score new opportunities or grow as a thought leader, personal branding can set you apart from your competitors.  Find unique ways to produce value.  Your personal brand is about taking ownership and sharing your views.  Think about your online presence as a picture you are painting.  Do you post with purpose?  If you are thoughtful with your personal posting strategy, your point of view and expertise will come across strongly in the long term.

In today’s competitive market, mere competency is no longer good enough; employees and clients desire to work with those who possess a few specific strengths, as well as a thorough understanding of the industry.  If you have multiple passions or areas of interest, Shama Hyder insists finding a unified theme in your narrative to stand out positively.

Know Yourself

Everyone has unique traits, and ideally, every business or project will include a mist of these traits.  Instead of stifling your natural working style or characteristics, it is better to highlight them in a positive manner.   If you are unsure as to which personality traits make you shine, don’t hesitate to ask a friend or get a mentor for feedback.  Take both critiques and compliments into account, and feel free to use this feedback to highlight your strengths as you meet with new clients or apply for new positions.  Self esteem and confidence in yourself is a major part in being an authentic leader.  By knowing and loving yourself, you can consistently build those relationships that get you ahead.

Find Consistency

A good personal brand offers some semblance of consistency. Thus, a thorough understanding of your personality and the unique skills you can offer is essential; if you do not deliver these qualities on a consistent basis, you will not inspire trust in your clients and fellow employees—and without trust, a personal brand is meaningless. You can display consistency by branding yourself in an honest manner, but for an extra boost, pay attention to how you portray yourself online. A few consistent social media updates can greatly enhance your personal branding efforts.

Consistency should also be evident in all offline activity, including one-on-one consultations with clients, attendance at networking events, and even brief chats when you bump into coworkers in the hallway. Your grooming and wardrobe can also say a lot about your personal brand, so be sure to choose a look that is consistent with your overarching message. Your cohorts should never question your commitment to your personal brand.

A good personal brand can quickly take you to new heights. Take some time to determine what sets you apart and how these traits can help you make a positive impression. The ultimate goal is to prove that you excel at what you do, and more importantly, that you are different in the best possible way.

Be Yourself – Business Attire and Your Personal Brand

You could read the same magazines and shop at only at one store but you are still uniquely you.  You get up every morning and choose your uniform for the day.  So why do clothes cause so much stress in life and in the workplace?  Expectations.  Expectations on what is business professional attire for women and men and what is casual.  Expectations on what to wear and what not to wear. And what exactly is business casual?  Why does this all matter?  

This blog post started out with words like:

  • acceptable for
  • best for both sexes
  • blazer in the winter
  • tying back long hair

Oh, and my favorite, “Leave your loud colors and cleavage-baring clothes at home.”  

As a small business owner, you set the tone in the office.  Eventually we all align ourselves with others who think, look, and act similarly.  One of my favorite sayings is, get in where you fit in.  And it’s so true!  If you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation based on how you dress, either change how you dress to be more comfortable in your own “skin” or change your environment.  

Be Yourself is our number one core value for a reason.  If you are not yourself, you are not able to do the right thing, keep it simple, work hard, have fun, or make a difference.  If you want to be taken seriously as a business person, being your authentic self is your best branding tool.

What you wear to work every day also reflects your personal brand.  It’s still a simple way to stand out.  To start crafting your business image, think about the following:

  • What type of job do I have?
  • What is my most comfortable working state?
  • Ideally, how long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
  • How often do I travel?
  • What colors and silhouettes fit me best?

Answering these questions will help you start creating your own personal uniform and brand that fits your life as a business owner.  To take it to the next level and simplify your morning routine, wear the same thing every day.  Uniforms help eliminate any unnecessary stress and time so you can focus your morning thoughts on the day.  Think Steve Jobs and that black turtle neck with light washed jeans.

The small business world in general is pretty laid back.  So just be yourself and…

Wear the same thing every day!

